The Last Eclipses of 2021

Alexis Marie
3 min readNov 20, 2021


Image by Justin Dickey via

We have entered the two week space of transition, between the Taurus Lunar Eclipse on Novemeber 19th and the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on December 4th. It’s a closing out of a year and a half chapter of our lives. We’ve had all year to uncover and discover what we deeply desire for this next chapter, but there are places where we still waver — where we believe more in the story of logic and reason than the mysteries of the Unknown and the power of the Infinite.

It’s a time when the messages of what is possible are just as loud as the doubt. Both there for important reasons: to allow the possibilities and desires to flourish, letting the Universe paint us and dream us into a story we couldn’t have created on our own AND to see so clearly what is holding us back, to look doubt head-on and say “no more.” This is how we reclaim our power, how we allow our highest self, our wiser self to steer the ship, rather than the voice of doubt.

It can often feel a bit turbulent, for better or worse, so much is shifting. So much that needs to be cleared out to make way for the new, and the new hovering ready to land and completely change our world.

Old memories may resurface from the archives, harassing us until we finally pay attention. It’s the best way the Universe has of communicating with us. Once we stop looking at it as good or bad or having judgment about the story that is resurfacing, once we stop trying to push it away or stuff if back down, we can see that it’s simply a story we know, full of messages that we can understand. It is showing us exactly where the work needs to be done, what needs to be released in order for the new to flood in.

So all we really have to do, as the messages are flying all over the place, is listen. Get curious, ask questions, go within… whatever it is you need to deeply listen. Because on the other side of this eclipse portal is a new chapter, blank pages ready to be filled in with the story of your life. And you get to choose 100% how it’ll go.

Life isn’t happening to us, we are co-creators, and our thoughts, our actions, our desires, are the way we communicate with the Universe. What are you saying to the great Unknown?

The North & South Nodes of the Moon are shifting out of Gemini and Sagittarius in January 2022, preparing us for the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses that we will experience over the next year and a half. We’re about to enter a new chapter, a new depth of truth both collectively and personally, and this Lunar Eclipse in November is just the beginning, a preview of what’s to come, so we can wrap up loose ends and get ready to turn the page.

Lunar Eclipse occurs at 27° Taurus on Nov 19 @ 3:57am EST

Solar Eclipse occurs at 12° Sagittarius on Dec 4 @ 2:43am EST



Alexis Marie
Alexis Marie

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